Captain's Log.
To whit: Becoming an adult might be about learning to love things that were took for granted as a youth. My microwave and vacuum cleaner make me disgustingly excited. I'm become more domestic, and it's no one's fault but my own. I dream about end tables. (I also dreamed I was gettig high with my mom and dad, though, so let's not get carried away. This isn't Leave it to Beaver, and I'm not Ward.)
Stefanie came to visit over the weekend, and we partied, walked too much and observed the world of animals.
This is nature's way of telling us not to fuck with the relative traits of animals. Dangerous predators raised in captivity lose their nature at a disgusting rate, while the small, manageable ones keep their attitudes, and probably even increase them, foul tempers fed by constant reinforcement. This is why the cat hates you, and the polar bear doesn't know you are food. It's creeping me out just thinking about it.
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