Undernourished and Overfed

These are the things that are wrong with me.

Friday, April 20, 2007

How far we've come

This is the official six day countdown until I get to stop talking to whiny, complaining customers on my office phone. No more “I ordered this and it doesn’t work,” or “I need to place an order, but I’m not really sure what company I work for.” No more convincing customers that it’s in their best interest to order directly from us, and that having distributors would only increase the prices they pay. No more “I know I have a lower price, but I don’t know how I get it, and can’t be bothered to look it up.” This is me, acknowledging that I am only six working days away from turning off the queue forever. You may call my company, if you like, but unless your business is with me, the Contract Administrator, we will have nothing to talk about. No, I cannot process your order. No, I do not have a return authorization number for you. I am not your bitch. I am not your errand boy. My title has the word Administrator in it. I am seriously fucking important. I have clawed my way out of the call center and onto the ground floor of middle management, where I will languish for eight hours per day like some kind of narcoleptic elephant seal, dreaming of punching the clock so I can go home and do something that matters. Build myself some dreams. But for all the ennui that remains to be traversed between these rocky badlands of soot and foundered futures, the most important has been crossed. Goodbye forever, customer service.


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